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Beigua Park Experience Center

Via Marconi, 165
17019 Arenzano (SV) | View on Map
Municipality: Varazze

Tel. 019/4512050 - 393/9896251 - Fax 019/4512054
E-mail: CEparcobeigua@parcobeigua.it

The environmental education local system in Beigua Park is coordinated by Centro di Esperienza (Experience Center) situated in the administrative offices of the Park Authority in Arenzano. Here it is possible to acquire information on the different environmental education opportunities and services. The structure offers a library dedicated to environmental issues and multimedia structures illustrating the features of Beigua Park. Moreover, there are special spaces housing didactic labs, training activities, seminars, meetings, etc.
The Experience Center does not only represent a "specialized" instrument to promote knowledge and direct experiences, but it also plays a more complex role as:

  • an actor in the sustainability policies developed in the interested territory
  • an animator for the diffusion of good practices
  • a promoter of the local sustainable development processes, supporting the Authorities in the implementation of adequate instruments
  • a supplier of information, training, and educational services for the local communities.
Environmental education projects for schools

Opening times:


Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9.00 am - 1:00 pm

For further information or messages:
Phone: +39 010 8590307  fax: +39 010 8590064 mobile phone: +39 393 9896251 - CEparcobeigua@parcobeigua.it

Guides and operators from the Visitor Center sometimes carry out Environmental Education activities outdoors or in the schools: it is recommended to call to arrange an appointment.

Beigua Park Experience Center - Varazze
Beigua Park Experience Center - Varazze
(photo by PR Beigua)
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