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Picnic areas

In the most beautiful and visited locations in the Park, the municipalities and the Park Authority have created some picnic areas and picnic spots where tourists and hikers can stop for a refreshment break:

  • Pratorotondo (Municipality of Varazze)
  • Pian di Stella (Municipality of Stella)
  • Deiva Forest - Laboratory (Municipality of Sassello)
  • Deiva Forest - loc. Castello Bellavista (Municipality of Sassello)
  • Deiva Forest - loc. Giumenta (Municipality of Sassello)
  • Curlo (Municipality of Arenzano)
  • Bric Falò (Municipality of Cogoleto)
  • Cerusa (Municipality of Tiglieto)
  • Piampaludo (Municipality of Sassello)
  • Passo del Faiallo (Municipality of Urbe)

In the picnic areas equipped in loc. Pian di Stella (Monte Beigua), loc. Pratorotondo and loc. Passo del Faiallo camping is allowed for a maximum of 2 consecutive nights.

In the picnic areas managed by the Park Authority we have removed the waste bins: to enjoy a Park that is always clean, do not leave your rubbish but take it to the nearest recycling points, respecting the indications on separate waste collection.

Please have a look at the leaflet with suggestions of good practices to adopt to keep the Park clean!

Rules for the use of green areas and enjoyment of the Park

1.     Fires may only be lighted in the spaces provided in the equipped areas

Fires may only be lit inside the designated spaces in the green areas. Fire is insidious, it can smoulder for hours in the ashes, apparently extinguished, but all it takes is a breath of wind to make it flare up again; in a few minutes, the fire spreads and can take on uncontrollable proportions, destroying trees that have taken dozens of years to grow and endangering the lives of people and animals.

Be careful with cigarettes: a cigarette butt that is badly extinguished is often a fire starter; do not throw it out of the car window and, if we are on foot, put it out with a little water or crush it against a rock or where there is nothing flammable.

2. Keeping picnic areas clean and tidy

Let's take the waste produced during the picnic to the nearest collection point near residential areas. We respect the facilities made available by the Park for everyone to use and we keep the areas clean and tidy.

3. Enjoy the beauty of trees and flowers in their natural environment

Cutting trunks, tearing up plants, branches, leaves and flowers is not only useless and senseless, but it is harmful to the natural environment, which is depleted of vegetation. Instead, let us help nature regain its space.

4. Respect animals

All animals have a role to play in the balance of nature; let us not alter the environment in which they live, let us not disturb them and let us make sure that our dog is always led on a leash.

Let us admire the tenderness of an occupied nest, but let us not touch the eggs or approach the young. In some mammal species, the perception of human scent prevents the mother from recognising the young, who are thus abandoned.

5. Avoid unnecessary noise

Let us learn to enjoy silence and recognise the voices and sounds of nature; let us not pollute the environment with noise and loud music, motors or horns used more than necessary. Noises frighten animals with the risk that they will flee and become frightened.

6. Respect the Park's geological heritage

Rocks, minerals, fossils, archaeological finds that took thousands of years to form are unrepeatable testimonies to the history of the earth and man, which lose all meaning if they are removed from the environment that contributed to their formation. Let us not collect them and be careful not to damage them.

7. Respect the work of farmers

Working the land, rearing animals and tending the countryside are tiring jobs: be careful not to damage so much effort by damaging the crops and annoying the animals.

8. Always follow paths

Marked paths are usually the easiest and safest way to traverse the park, and signposting helps to maintain orientation.

9.  Restrict the use of motor vehicles

We always enter the heart of the Park with due respect: we avoid damaging the grass cover, causing disruption, polluting the air and frightening the animals.

We always leave cars and motorbikes in designated parking spaces where they do not obstruct circulation, do not invade green areas and allow agricultural or rescue vehicles to pass.

10. Drive carefully on carriage roads

Often the roads leading to, around or through a park area are mountain roads, of limited width, with steep slopes and small curve radii. Driving in these areas must also be environmentally friendly; let us be careful. In addition to avoiding serious accident risks, we will be able to better appreciate the landscape around us.

Picnic areas
Picnic areas
(photo by PR Beigua)
(photo by PR Beigua)
Pian di Stella
Pian di Stella
(photo by PR Beigua)

(photo by PR Beigua)
Pian di Stella
Pian di Stella
(photo by PR Beigua)
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