The Laione Peat bog
Located nearby Piampaludo, the Laione Peat bog is without doubt the main wetland in the Park. It is the result of a small lake basin in a senescent state that filled up with thin mineral and organic deposits, over a long period of time. The continuous presence of water in the ground guarantees a cool microclimate, even in the hottest periods, and allows the survival of Drosera rotundifolia, an insectivorous small plant, which makes up for the scarcity of nitrogen available in the peat bog soil, a result of a 'carnivore' diet.
Many aquatic animals inhabit Laione's waters: amphibians, such as the alpine newt, the great crested newt and the fire salamander; reptiles, such as the grass snake; water insects such as the dytiscus and the dragonfly. Among the latter it is worth mentioning the Orthetrum cancellatum, whose mature males are characterised by a pruinose, light blue abdomen. The Laione Peatery is classified as Strict Nature Reserve (Zone A) therefore access to the area is only granted for educational-naturalistic purposes, respecting the directions posted on specific information boards around the boundaries of the area, by the Park Authorities in agreement with the area owners.

Laione Peat bog
(photo by PR Beigua)