

Twenty-six kilometres of mountainous ridges just a stone's throw from the Liguria Riviera, which encompass high-lying plains and precious humid zones, dense forests of beech-trees, oak, and chestnuts, steep cliffs and rocky outcrops, forests of Maritime Pine, and strips of Mediterranean vegetation: a mosaic of environments leading to the mountainous area of the Beigua regional nature Park - UNESCO Global Geopark considered one of Liguria's richest areas in biodiversity.

The high environmental value of the Beigua regional nature Park – UNESCO Global Geopark has also been recognized by specific acts issued by the Regional Administration which, within the protected area, has identified three Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and one Special Protection Area (SPA), in compliance with specific European Community directives ("Directive 79/409/EEC on the conservation of wild birds" and "Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats").

This territory of exceptional naturalistic value boasts elements that could not co-exist in other regional and national areas. This territory is indicated at an international level due to the phenomenon of the migration of diurnal birds of prey (especially the short-toed eagle) and, for some years now, it has witnessed the return of the golden eagle to nest, in good company with eagle owls, rock thrushes, whitethroats, and eighty other species of birds.

Along the park's most impenetrable tracks hidden from the eyes of man, wolves find their perfect habitat and from the spurs overlooking the sea it is not uncommon to catch a glimpse of the silhouettes of whales blowing out air in the watery mirror in front of Varazze, Cogoleto, and Arenzano.

In the park you can hunt out multi-coloured species of endemic flora (Viola Bertolonii, Cerastium utriense, Asplenium cuneifolium, Daphne cneorum, Cheilanthes marantae) and some special tenants from the small fauna family (such as Montpellier snakes, Alpine newt, great crested newt, European common frog, etc.).

The park also boasts three important State Regional Forests ("Deiva" in the Municipality of Sassello, "Lerone" in the Municipalities of Arenzano and Cogoleto, and "Tiglieto" in the Municipalities of Tiglieto, Masone, and Campo Ligure) where typical ungulates of the Ligurian Apennines, such as boar, roe-deer, and fallow deer, can be found. It is a region where in the space of just a few kilometres you can admire typical blossoms of the Mediterranean undergrowth or happen upon precious high-lying humid zones, testimonies of distant eras when ice and rock fought their daily battle to shape the Earth's surface.

(photo by PR Beigua)
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