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Casa del Parco "Foresta della Deiva"

Loc. Foresta della Deiva
17046 Sassello (SV) | View on Map
Municipality: Sassello

The new Park structure - inaugurated in May 2011 - is situated in Sassello, at the entrance of Deiva State-owned Forest, near the building called "Casa del Custode" housing the local Head Offices of the National Forest Service.

Entirely renovated thanks to regional funds, the new center will work as a multipurpose hall able to welcome school groups and organized groups visiting the Forest, as well as to organize local animation events, didactic initiatives, meetings, and seminars. The hall, enriched by wonderful photos of the natural beauties characterizing Beigua Park taken by the photographer Roberto Malacrida, offers no. 50 seats and is provided with multimedia equipment that can be used for the various initiatives organized.

Opening times: Open by previous booking for groups and according to the didactic and local animation activities organized by the Park Authority.
It is possible to rent the hall for local animation events, courses, seminars, and meetings (for info on costs and conditions, please contact the Park Authority).

Casa del Parco 'Foresta della Deiva'
Casa del Parco 'Foresta della Deiva'
(photo by PR Beigua)
Casa del Parco 'Foresta della Deiva'
Casa del Parco 'Foresta della Deiva'
(photo by PR Beigua)
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